Sunday 23 January 2011

Who's Making The Brew v1.2

After another busy weekend with little time available to coding "Who's Making The Brew" I have managed to add several features as well as improving the overall architecture.

Firstly after spending of time researching/reading I determined the original design wasn't the best so I went about re-factoring and re-designing the Activity Stack so its more in-line with recommended practice. Overall I'm pleased with the outcome and believe this will make it much easier to control Activities and the Activity Stack and provide and more stable and intuitive application flow.

Features Added:

1) Improved architecture, Activity Stack and Application flow.
  • Should make it easier to add features and functionality at later dates.
  • Stability and application flow improvements may be noticeable.

2)  Ability to Add players in to a Group (See below for screen shots)
  • This includes the functionality to add players to a group with a given name.
  • Ability to view existing groups.
  •  Re-load or delete existing groups.
3) Additional graphics and style improvements
  • Additional graphic on loading screen.
  • Unified textual formatting on all screens.

Any comments. issues, bugs please let me know. 

Future releases to include.

* Profiles for different activities, not just making tea.
* GPS based Tea Rounds, using Android's location based services to load and save groups of players dependant on a particular geographic location. 
* Statics on brew round players. 
* Ability to hook into Android's contacts list to chose players. 
* Improve styling and graphics in general.

Simply scan the barcode with your Android phone to take you to the Market

Works and tested on all Android phones version 1.6+

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