Sunday 16 January 2011

Who's Making The Brew v1.1

Didn't have a great deal of time this weekend but managed to get afew hours to spend on improving the application.

I have afew goals I'd like to reach in order for me to be pleased with the application and sorry to say it but its not there yet.

This weekend I tried to pick things which I could get completed in time. I'm trying to think of this project like a work project and do it agile(ish) and do small improvements often and keep the interest going. 

The three features I have added are:

1) The ability to email the results to someone after the brew round has been ran. Unfortunately it looks like the Android API for sending emails isn't up to scratch. I first started by creating a simple HTML table but then realised, after a hour or so of pain, the <table> tag isn't a supported tag when sending HTML emails and is removed. I reluctantly settled for very basic emails template showing only the core results. Any suggestion and improvement here would be appreciated. (See below)

2) Ability to quickly re-run the round after the results. This simply invokes the generator again, nothing special, more a feature I thought may be useful. (See below)

3) Ability to remember the last ran brew round, and re-loading the players when the application start. This was a new area of Android programming to get my head in to, seems simple to be honest, SQLite is very similar to all other SQL databases Ive used, just different way of interacting with the DB than normal.

Any comments. issues, bugs please let me know. 

Future releases to include.

* Ability to associate groups of players  e.g. work. home friends. 
* Re-architecture application after doing a little bit more research.
* Improve styling and graphics in general.
* Profiles for different activities, not just making tea.
* Statics on brew round players.
* Ability to hook into Android's contacts list to chose players.

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